These weaker phytoestrogen foods are acceptable as long as you don't make them a staple. For example, drinking almond milk, eating almond butter and using almond flour several times a week. Instead incorporate them into a balanced diet by eating a handful of raw almonds a couple times a week.
Dried apricots
Alfalfa sprouts
Mung bean and sprouts
Dried dates
Sunflower seeds
Dried prunes
Rye bread
Winter squash
Collard greens
Peanut butter
White bean
Don't consume large amounts of seeds or nuts and don't do seed cycling. Seeds and nuts are estrogenic and large amounts will raise estrogen levels - NOT reduce estrogen.
Flax seeds
Sesame seeds
Hemp seeds
Pumpkin seeds
Sunflower seeds
➣ Liver, colon, and kidney cleanses do not reduce estrogen—thermography research shows they do not decrease vascularity in the breasts. While it's commonly believed that detoxing these organs optimizes estrogen metabolism, the evidence does not support this claim.
➣ Liver cleanses use milk thistle and dandelion, which contain estrogen. Avoid long-term use—instead, support liver function by consuming real liver for optimal benefits.
➣ Most toxins are stored in the fat cells, so cleanses that are specialized for the above organs will not decrease this specific accumulation.
➣ There is NO magic pill or cleanse that removes or reduces estrogen. Simply avoid estrogen.
Fake milks with plant estrogens and seed oils
Flax milk
Oat milk
Almond milk
Soy milk
"Natural Estrogen Blockers are Ineffective:"
These products claim to reduce estrogen, metabolize estrogen in the liver or naturally block estrogen. Years of thermographic evidence have been unable to support these claims; in fact, most popular products contain plant estrogens, which increase risk. The only proven effective estrogen blocker is a pharmaceutical, Tamoxifen.
Made from broccoli and cauliflower (though whole natural broccoli and cauliflower are beneficial). Thermographic study showed increased vascularity, resulting in an abnormal thermogram with only 30 days of use. Study had to cease due to increased risk. Hundreds of thermographic images/case studies support this pilot study, as there is no reduction in vascularity with use of this supplement.
Also made from broccoli and cauliflower. Hundreds of thermographic images/case studies support this pilot study, as there is no reduction in vascularity with use of this supplement. See for yourself; watch You Tube Video of breast cancer survivors use of DIM “Estrogen Blockers are Ineffective.”
A Chinese herbal formula that contains Xiang Fu, which is a plant estrogen and increases vascualrity and risk. Plant estrogens are weak as compared to synthetic estrogens, but are bio-identical and stimulate estrogen receptors increasing hormonal imbalance of excess estrogen, thus, increasing risk of breast cancer.
Thermographic study showed “no reduction in vascularity.” Further study is needed.
Only use organic or petrochemical-free products on the skin and in house. “Natural” is not healthy, it can still contain petrochemicals and phystoestrogens. Don’t be seduced by the word “natural.” The following products and practices should be avoided by everyone, but especially by pregnant women, babies and developing children:
Plastic children’s toys
Pesticides (gardens, lawns, produce, home)
Insecticides (e.g., DDT, dieldrin, endosulfan)
Out gassing of new clothes, paint, carpet, furniture and fiberboard
Vinyl flooring and carpet
Alkylphenols (intermediate chemicals used in manufacturing)
BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) as a food preservative
PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)
Phthalates and DEHP (plasticizers)
Propyl gallate (used to protect oils and fats )
Hand sanitizer and wipes containing Triclosan
All anti-bacterial products
Chemical skincare products (e.g., Neutrogena moisturizer, cleanser, serums, sunscreens)
Chemical bath and body products (e.g., Dial soap, bath wash, lotion, deodorant)
Chemical laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets (e.g., Tide)
Chemical hair care products (e.g., Head and Shoulders shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, gels)
Parabens in lotions
Scented products, candles (except beeswax), and air fresheners
Non-organic clothing, especially underwear
Non-organic sheets and towels
Outgas non-organic clothing or buy used clothes
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in food
Hot liquids placed in plastic or Styrofoam cups
Plastic in microwave
Teflon pots, pans, air fyers
Canned foods, including baby formula
Foods frozen in plastic containers
BPA, BPA-free and hazardous alternatives BPS, BPAF, and TMBPF
Bottled water
Tap water
Brita or filtered water containers
Plastic food, drink containers, sippy cups
The skin is the largest organ—everything placed, rubbed and buffed into it is absorbed and delivered directly into the bloodstream. Why eat organic and then place poisonous products on the skin? Save yourself and your family’s health; only use organic and petrochemical-free body and household products.
➣ If you are “healthy” avoid supplements and vitamins, eat your medicine. For more information read Chapter 8 "Supplements: The Enemy You Thought Was Your Ally.”
A five-year study involving 30,000 women taking a multivitamin increased their risk for breast cancer by 19 percent.
➣ Multivitamin Use and Breast Cancer Incidence in a Prospective Cohort of Swedish Women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2010).
➣ This is because some supplements are acid and some are alkali; some are oil-based and some are aqueous (water soluble). This means that they do not mix well when they are purified and then added back together. Multiple vitamins inactivate each other, making salts of each other and blocking absorption. Be sure to avoid prenatal supplements as well.
➣ Many studies show that vitamins and supplements have virtually no effect and/or are increasing disease, including cancers. The American Cancer Society lists vitamins and supplements under risk factors. They state that, “Factors with uncertain, controversial or unproven effect on breast cancer risk,” stating “So far, no study has shown that taking vitamins reduces breast cancer risk.”
➣ Women believe supplementation and vitamins are nutrition, when actually, supplements are the equivalent of fast food. The ingredients are cheap chemicals that increase the risk of contaminants and toxins entering the body in high daily dosages. This includes “whole food” or plant food supplements and the new “medical foods”; the preservatives that give them a shelf life are toxic to the body. With all the supplements in use, why aren’t Americans healthier? Why do most cancer rates, not just breast cancer, continue to rise in America? Why is America not leading the world in healthy individuals?
➣ If you are treating a health concern spread your vitamins or supplements usage throughout the day so they do not inactivate each other.
➣ La Vita Compounding Pharmacy reports that “A recent investigation by the FDA found that major retailers were selling fraudulent and potentially dangerous herbal supplements and that four out of the five product s did not contain any of the herbs listed on their labels. The tests showed that pills labeled medicinal herbs often contained little more than cheap fillers like powered rice and household plants, and even substances that could be dangerous to those with allergies.”
➣ If you are using supplements for a health concern be sure to get them from a reliable source and not the local vitamin store.
Progesterone is your protective hormone—calming your mood, improving sleep, supporting a healthy weight, and reducing the risk of breast and uterine cancer.
Apply compounded progesterone cream directly to the breasts daily. Progesterone receptors are found in the breasts. Do not waste money applying progesterone anywhere else, as application elsewhere results in it dissipating as it is not local. There are no progesterone receptors in the arms, thighs or abdomen.
For progesterone deficiency apply progesterone cream daily. Reduction of progesterone cream is determined by the reduction in progesterone deficiency (hormone balance) and vascularity (stimulated blood vessels which increases risk) detected in repeat thermograms.
Most over-the-counter creams contain estrogen. Our thermographic evidence shows the only effective over the counter progesterone cream is Emeritta's Pro-gest. Avoid Emeritta's creams made with phytoestrogens - lavender and black cohosh. A compounded progesterone cream from a compounded pharmacy is highly recommended. However, avoid "natural base" compounded progesterone creams from these pharmacies; our thermographic evidence is proving these bases have estrogenic properties.
Do not use wild yam or “natural” progesterone as they may contain estrogenic factors. Only use a compounded progesterone cream which is fat soluble and will accumulate in the breasts to reduce hormone imbalance and vascularity.
Sublingual, gel or pill forms of progesterone are not as effective as creams. They are not local and will dissipate in the circulatory or digestive system. These forms will not reduce vascularity in the breasts.
Testosterone can be used in menopausal women to treat night sweats, hot flashes, low energy and low libido with great success. Apply cream to clitoris. There are no testosterone receptors in your legs, abdomen or arms and testosterone will dissipate in the circulatory system before it reaches its receptors.
Apply directly where it is needed. You will know it is working because you will feel it. Every woman requires a different amount and no test out there will tell you how much to apply. Listen to your body and you will figure it out - some women require application daily, others once a week.
If testosterone cream isn’t providing enough support, consider pellets or injections
Your body is one of a kind and deserves individualized care tailored to its needs—not a one-size-fits-all hormone cocktail.
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