Pink Image is the best! I have family history of breast cancer so it has always been a concern of mine.
A friend of mine has been in to see Wendy and suggested that I go to find out the health of my breasts and what I can do to prevent the possibility of breast cancer.
I made my appointment with Wendy and I can't say enough great things about her and how informative she was. I am amazed at the amount of products that contain estrogen and are very unsafe. Every woman should have breast thermography.
I am only in my late 30's and already have had several friends my age diagnosed with Breast Cancer, one who passed away at the age of 37. Why are the rates going up? Why are women getting cancer at an earlier age? What can we do to decrease risk and prevent Breast Cancer?
The answers are in this book. This is an amazing resource for all women. We can make lifestyle choices to decrease our risk! I have used the information in this book, as well as thermographic imaging, to take action to decrease my risk factors.
I am a health care provider, and use this book as a resource in my private practice to educate my patients, and in my faculty teaching position as well.
After my OBGYN refused to provide me with an Ultrasound and insisted on yet another mammogram (which always comes back inconclusive due to my dense breast tissue), I went to get a thermogram at Pink Image.
Wendy provided me with a full write up on what was happening and then debriefed over the phone with life changing recommendations on what to do to rebalance my hormones and lower the estrogen levels in my body.
I cannot be more grateful to Wendy and the whole process and cannot recommend her enough! Please go see her - it may save your life.
This book should be in every woman's library. By reading this book you will understand the benefits of
Thermography and become better educated as to how estrogen dominance contributes to breast cancer.
You will view pictures of years of research that helps explain it all. Especially how flax and soy are contributing to estrogen dominance.
I was not aware of the danger of estrogen dominance. I am thankful I found this book and refer to it often. I feel better equipped to maintain breast health.
This book is an incredible eye opener. It's a must read. Chapter after chapter is packed with amazing information. The material presented in this book is well organized, easy to understand and accompanied with visual confirmations (thermograms).
Shocking discoveries about everyday things women are doing and physicians are recommending that may be contributing to higher risks of breast cancer.
We must educate ourselves as women and take charge of our health. Don't let this information go unnoticed and unrecognized. I highly recommend this book.
Through a web search I came across Pink Image when searching for a thermography clinic.
I'm so glad I came here, the staff was very professional and my clinician, Wendy, discussed the results with me just a few days after my visit.
She also provided me with guidelines to help relieve my symptoms and education to begin an estrogen free life. I'm very confident that Wendy and everyone at Pink Image are passionate about breast cancer prevention and treatment, and will empower you to take charge of your health.
Thank you so much! You've been exactly what I've needed so much all this time!
I am so thankful that I read the Yelp reviews and went to Pink Image for my Thermography.
Everyone was so professional. I bought Wendy Sellens book "Breast Cancer Boot Camp" and not only read that but studied her website before our telephone conference.
Wendy was so knowledgeable and informative I learned so much more from her on a personal level for my situation.
I am now in the process of doing all that she recommended to have an estrogen free and healthy lifestyle. Thank you Wendy and Pink Image.
The book was so well-written with the language and picture illustrations that could easily be understood.
I can't believe though that I must quit using my favorite teriyaki sauce and will no longer use soy sauce for my sushi!!! Oh my-- but -- for health sake, I should give these up...
I SO LOVE THE BOOK and thanks to both Dr. Hobbins and Dr. Sellens!!!!
I am so grateful this place exists and so close to me! The test is so easy and comfortable you just sit there with your shirt off while she takes pictures with the special equipment, nothing like the pain and agony of a Mammogram.
I made an appointment for Thermography not really thinking I had any problems, I had just had a Mammogram 10 months ago. Well I did have a big problem and the Dr. called me that night.
I had a 30 minute consultation today and it was so informative! I am quitting my Estradiol today and hoping Kaiser will do an ultrasound right away.
Everybody, this is so worth the money, it's your life!!! Thank you Pink Image for all you do for us, you are saving lives!
This book was very enlightening and provided good advice on nutrition, and steps a woman can take to keep her breasts healthy.
I will re-read this book and definitely make some changes in 'my diet and the products I choose to use in my house.
Thank you Wendy for your help.
I am so grateful to have stumbled upon Wendy Sellens' Pink Image. I have been to another thermography center, which never seemed to get the room temperature where it needed to be, which can result in inaccurate images, and mislead the patient as to what is going on in their breasts.
Wendy is deeply devoted to her patients and schedules a detailed consultation after her analysis of your images. Wendy also provides very constructive advice in regards to diet and other suggestions to improve the status of your breasts.
I was having daily intermittent breast pain, and after following Wendy's advice, no more pain, and my 6 month follow-up showed vast improvement.
Thank you so much Wendy!!!
I cannot recommend this enough! Ladies, do yourselves a favor and read this book.
You will be shocked at how many foods and other products that are phyto and xenoestrogens.
I wish there were more options around the country to get thermography.
I believe it would save many lives.
After someone very close to me passed away from breast cancer at the young age of 42, I was determined to find a better alternative to annual mammograms. I did a lot of research and reading and found a recommendation for Pink Image and breast thermography. It made perfect sense to me, was completely safe, unlike mammograms, and could detect cancer up to 7 years earlier.
When I met Wendy Sellens at Pink Image, it was clear that Wendy had a huge amount of knowledge, a passion for what she was doing and a true caring for helping others to avoid breast cancer. She has shared, and continues to share, so much knowledge as she herself is always striving to bring the best information to the forefront.
I can't imagine why anyone would not take advantage of an opportunity to have a thermogram. They give you the information you need to avoid a situation that no one wants to be diagnosed with at a time when you can likely have a positive effect. Just as a side note, all centers performing thermograms are not the same. I have been to a few that use a very old method that is no where near as accurate.
Wendy at Pink Image Breast Thermography and her Breast Cancer Boot Camp are a wonderful resource for me. I have a strong family history of breast cancer.
Doctors have recommended for years for me to remove my healthy breasts. Undergoing surgery, while I am healthy, does not sit right with me and I am focused on prevention. Wendy encourages regular MRIs along with thermography. I feel very supported by having complimentary options.
I love thermography because I can actually see what is going on in my breasts. I have been having thermography with Wendy for the past couple of years. I am so grateful for Wendy's recommendations for breast health based on her research.
I avoid flax and soy, apply progesterone cream, watch what products I buy, and go to acupuncture regularly. With thermography, Wendy is able to show me the positive changes in my breasts since I have shifted my life style. I am very grateful to have this valuable information and education.
Prevention is the "cure"! This book clearly shows (using advanced medical thermal imaging) how the effects of many commonly used products, along with exposure to a multitude of chemicals are increasing our risk for breast cancer.
I love this book and highly recommend it to any woman who wants to be proactive and help to prevent breast cancer instead of our current model of mammography "screening" starting at age 40. By the time you see something on a mammogram you are already sick, meaning the tumor is already formed.
Using thermography as the first screening tool (recommended to start in our 20's), gives women the power to take control of their breast health. Women with genetic risk factors now have a way to monitor their breast health without constantly worrying or having a radical double mastectomy, which only lowers your risk (as described in this book).
Finally a book that gives current information on all forms of estrogen (bio-identical, flax, soy, etc.)! Thank you to both Dr. Hobbins and Wendy for this visual description of what's going on in our breasts. This book is bound to be controversial, but as the book states...the thermographic pictures don't lie. This truly is a revolutionary finding!
Dr. Hobbins scanned 100,000 women's breast for cancer during his career using thermography. His thermography images are excellent and far superior to any I have seen. I was surprised to learn that only 7 thermography centers in the USA scan and report correctly and that thermography results are utilized to assist women in lifestyle changes to prevent cancer. The outlook for breast cancer is bleak (it comes back in other body parts sooner or later). Mastectomies do NOT insure breast cancer will not reoccur.His knowledge regarding hormones and erroneous treatment is excellent.
Soy and flax are touted as great health foods,but contain an outrageous amount of estrogen. Small dosages of estrogen are in our drinking water. Elevated estrogen imbalance leads to breast cancer. Progesterone creams are often made from yams. It is necessary to remove the estrogen from the yams so progesterone creams treat not cause breast cancer.
What a wealth of information. Women and their physicians should read this book.
Wendy Sellens and Pink Image have changed the way I take care of myself. I went there for a simple thermogram over a year ago, but ended up getting life changing advice that I decided to take to minimize my chances of becoming a breast cancer statistic like my mom and grandmother.
Wendy was insistent that my hormonal IUD was contributing to high estrogen levels showing up in my left breast and said the only way I can get that to change is to replace the IUD with the non hormonal one. I was very resistant as I sure liked not having any periods on the Mirena. But after my 2nd thermogram in 8 months showing no changes even after I made drastic diet and changes in the body products I was using (switched to non paraben and more natural),
I decided it was time to get the hormones out of my body. I wish I would have done it much sooner as I didn't know I would start dropping that extra weight off without hardly any extra effort! I've dropped 5 pounds very easily in 3 months where it used to be a battle to lose half a pound and then it would come back as soon as I ate a large dinner. I still have to have to get a follow up thermogram in the next few months, but the pain I used to get in my left breast has almost left me thankfully.
Wendy's simple advice on changing the types of foods I eat and the type of products I put on my body every day has been the first step in being proactive in my continued well being. It doesn't have to be hard. I just have to make the extra effort to research the products I am buying, and making the conscious effort to eat the better foods, including organic. She truly has been wonderful to work with. I highly recommend Pink Image and Wendy Sellens!
I cannot say enough great things about Pink Image, especially Wendy Sellens. Almost a year ago, I had pain off and on in my left breast that sometimes would throb so much it would wake me up in the middle of the night. I did research and was intrigued by thermography as a non-invasive way to detect abnormalities. There were many options for thermography, but chose Pink Image because of their advisor and qualified staff.
I was unsure what to expect, but Wendy instantly put me at ease walking me through the process the entire way.
Wendy immediately saw an unusual hypervascular pattern in the area I was experiencing pain (I could see it as well on the screen). I subsequently had an ultrasound in which everything checked out fine, but at Wendy's suggestions,
I made some lifestyle changes. Wendy informed me I was estrogen dominant/progesterone deficient and needed to make changes to the products I was using and food I was eating. Things I thought were good for me, such as flax and soy, were actually perpetuating my imbalance.
Wendy armed me with a lot of data and provided me with links to other sites to do research. I have to admit I was overwhelmed at first, but it was so nice to hear Wendy tell me change did not need to occur overnight. I'm probably 70/30 (70% good ... 30% not so good!) now in the lifestyle changes we have incorporated based on Wendy's suggestions and I have to say, I feel sooooo much better!
I have not had the pain in my left breast since making the changes and I know it is directly correlated to the products and food choices made.
Thanks Wendy and Pink Image!!"
I’ve been a patient of Dr. Sellens for 7 years. I had my first thermogram at another clinic and was astonished to learn that they didn’t interpret correctly, only the color images, the camera was too weak for breast imaging and they did a full body scan of our organs, which we discovered was a gimmick since thermography can’t see that deep!
I was so impressed with Dr. Sellens’ training and knowledge I bought 10 of the first books to share with my friends.
Thermography has been a great noninvasive avenue for me to monitor my breast health and hormones. When I first saw Dr. Sellens I had a lump on my right breast. She coached me through some easy lifestyle and diet changes and the lump disappeared- this was confirmed with an ultrasound.
Now, I can easily watch my blood vessels see what supplements increase risk and which improve my health!
I have been a fan of Pink Image since my first thermography of 2015. Dr. Sellens is a gift and her vast knowledge and passion for helping women get and stay healthy has dramatically improved the quality of my life.
Her book Breast Cancer Boot Camp was extremely insightful and while some of the recommendations in the book go against what we have been programmed to believe, once I embraced and applied them my health really turned around. I have further to go but with her help and guidance and the thermography results, I can see objectively that clear improvement is being made.
One thing I believe is really important for people to know is that not all Thermography is the same. The camera used and the skill of the interpreter is critical. The Thermography here is very affordable and highly reliable. My Functional Medicine Doctor was knowledgeable of Pink Image/Dr. Sellens and was highly supportive of my return in 2017 for repeat Thermography. Prior to 2015 and finding Pink Image, my thermography at other locations was in hindsight, inferior and a waste of time and money.
I found out about thermograms by accident and was surprised to find Pink Image right here in Solana Beach. Dr. Sellens spent a lot of time educating me over the phone about thermography before I decided to make my appointment.
I was frustrated with extreme PMS symptoms, weight gain, fatigue, and having my period every 3 weeks. Not cool! After my first thermogram, Dr. Sellens made some suggestions for how to balance my hormones so that I could return to a regular cycle and to help alleviate my other symptoms as well.
After following her advice, I am happy to say that it worked and I now have normal periods and those annoying other issues have improved. My second thermogram showed significant change for the better. I am thankful to Dr. Sellens for all her hard work and dedication in educating women in this field of study.
I will definitely continue coming back and learning the truth about breast health.
Additionally, the book, Breast Cancer Boot Camp (link below), is an incredible eye opener. It's a must read. Chapter after chapter is packed with amazing information.
The material presented in this book is well organized,easy to understand and accompanied with visual confirmations (thermograms).
Shocking discoveries about everyday things women are doing and physicians are recommending that may be contributing to higher risks of breast cancer.
We must educate ourselves as women and take charge of our health. Don't let this information go unnoticed and unrecognized. I highly recommend this book.
I cannot say enough great things about Pink Image, especially Wendy Sellens. Almost a year ago, I had pain off and on in my left breast that sometimes would throb so much it would wake me up in the middle of the night. I did research and was intrigued by thermography as a non-invasive way to detect abnormalities. There were many options for thermography, but chose Pink Image because of their advisor and qualified staff. I was unsure what to expect, but Wendy instantly put me at ease walking me through the process the entire way.
Wendy immediately saw an unusual hypervascular pattern in the area I was experiencing pain (I could see it as well on the screen). I subsequently had an ultrasound in which everything checked out fine, but at Wendy's suggestions, I made some lifestyle changes. Wendy informed me I was estrogen dominant/progesterone deficient and needed to make changes to the products I was using and food I was eating. Things I thought were good for me, such as flax and soy, were actually perpetuating my imbalance.
Wendy armed me with a lot of data and provided me with links to other sites to do research. I have to admit I was overwhelmed at first, but it was so nice to hear Wendy tell me change did not need to occur overnight. I'm probably 70/30 (70% good ... 30% not so good!) now in the lifestyle changes we have incorporated based on Wendy's suggestions and I have to say, I feel sooooo much better! I have not had the pain in my left breast since making the changes and I know it is directly correlated to the products and food choices made.
Thanks Wendy and Pink Image!!"
This is hands-down the BEST book I've read on breast thermography (Breast Cancer Boot Camp-Dr. Hobbins's Breast Thermography Revolution). Every woman and every thermographer needs a copy! Thermography is such a great adjunctive tool to evaluate overall breast health risk, but it needs to be done properly within certified clinics by certified technicians, taking the images in both gray scale and colored images with a high quality, cleared camera and then read by experienced, certified interpreting doctors.
This book is beautifully illustrated with before/after images which clearly shows some of the physiological responses in the breast caused by various forms of estrogen especially from phytoestrogens, xenoestrogens, birth control, HRT, certain herbs and supplements. As a thermographer and nutritionist, I have personally seen the effects of these excess hormones on the breast and the health that can be regained by eliminating them. Wendy Sellens images of before/after flax seed use were of particular interest to me. Flax seed is extremely high in phytoestrogens, even higher than soy! At one point I had added 2 TBL of flax into my diet and within 4 weeks I experienced extremely tender breasts, hot flashes, and even skipped a period. After removing flax, within a few weeks the symptoms subsided. Hormones do affect our breasts!
Having breast cancer in my family history, this book brings incredible hope. One study on PubMed tells us that only 5-10% of cancer has a genetic link. The remaining 90-95% has its roots in environmental and dietary habits. This tells me that although we may not have 100% control, there is much we can do to prevent chronic diseases such as breast cancer. By utilizing all the tools available, including thermography, we can screen the breasts for changes. Then by changing lifestyle and nutritional habits, we can have a positive effect on our health.
I emailed Wendy Sellens to personally thank her for writing this book with Dr William Hobbins. Within a day she responded and we set up a phone consultation. Her passion for women's health is amazing and her pursuit for thermographic excellence is extremely important. Breast Cancer Boot Camp is a must read. Wendy is definitely a soldier for breast health!
I was tired of getting my breast squashed and radiated each year and decided to look at other options. I heard of thermography some years ago but decided that this year I would take a closer look at it. After much research and let me stress much, I found Pink Image. I must say this experience has change the way my family live and eat. The thermography exam was quick and easy. No pain and no touching! It was determined that I was estrogen dominant and had patterns of hypervascularity in both breast. I was shocked at how my breast looked! Wendy suggested an ultrasound for follow up which I have scheduled for next week.
I spoke to Wendy at length on how to improve my breast health which included going organic and omitting flax and soy from my diet amongst other things. I learned so much from this woman in such a short time. She is so knowledgeable and very easy to talk to. I feel blessed that I met her. And her book is Breast Cancer Bootcamp is must read. Go get it now!
I have been so impressed with this book. I have learned so much about my health and how important it is to be mindful of what I put in and on my body. I was a lover of flax and truly enjoyed my soy milk lattes.... daily! But it all changed after reading this book. So a little back story...I was tired of getting my breast radiated each year and decided to look at other options. My sister died from breast cancer 5 years ago and I was tired of worrying about being a statistic and decided that I would be viligent about my breast care and cancer prevention. I heard about thermography some years ago but decided that this year I would take a further look at it.
After much research and let me stress much, I found Pink Image Thermography clinic here in San Diego. The Pink Image is owned by Wendy Sellens, one of the authors of this book. I must say my thermography results changed the way my family live and eat. The Thermography exam itself was quick and painless. I suggest anyone reading this book to get one; you will learn so much about your breast!
A mammogram can't give you the details that this exam can. But please do your research on the first! Anyway, I saw this book there and thought I would check it out. Glad I did. This book goes into great detail on how to improve breast health which includes going estrogen free, eating organic, omitting flax and soy from your diet amongst other things. I gained so much knowledge from this book and I am truly grateful. Breast Cancer Bootcamp is must read!
Order it now! In fact order a extra copies to hand out to your love ones. You will not regret it!
Women (and occasionally men) at high risk of breast cancer (due to family history, BRCA genes, prior breast cancer history, etc.) should consider using certified breast thermography yearly or even several times a year to monitor breast health and screen for changes in the breast tissue and vascularity (screen more often for high risk or image changes over time).
When I say certified breast thermography, I mean high resolution, black & white thermography cameras that reveal vascularization patterns in the breasts, NOT the low resolution color thermography cameras that merely image surface temperature differences.
Naturally, I choose Pink Image for thermography because of the high quality of the cameras they use, the training of their image readers, and their vast experience in the thermography field. I've lost count how many years I have been going to Pink Image for thermography. Wendy Sellens, the PInk Image founder and owner, was trained by the medical doctor who pioneered the use of high resolution thermography cameras to monitor breast health.
I discovered thermography after my gynecologist noted certain areas of concern in my breasts during office visit exams. Two years in a row I was sent for diagnostic level mammograms (higher radiation exposure) and ultrasounds, yet each time mammography and U/S could not detect anything unusual, because there was no tumor (yet). I have dense breast tissue, which mammagraphy does not distinguish well from cancerous tissue.
However, high resolution thermography did reveal increased vascularity in the same areas of concern noted by my doctor during annual office exams. Increased frequency of thermographic imaging was recommended to monitor for further changes.
The following two years I scheduled my routine annual screening mammography to be performed in the afternoon the same day as thermography, after the thermography screening was performed in the morning - to be a scientific as possible (my husband is a research scientist) I wanted the condition in my breast tissue to be as similar as possible for each screening method. Further changes have not been detected with thermography, so I have scaled back my mammography screening frequency to about every 4-5 years to avoid reduce my exposure to radiation, while continuing with annual thermography monitoring.
Other than the cold room necessary for the thermography imaging (the skin needs to be very cool) and the need to hold the arms up high for a few minutes to cool the skin before and while the images are taken, there is no physical contact with technician or machinery at all (or painful breast compression as with mammograms). Thermography is 100% radiation-free, unlike mammography.
Unlike mammography, thermography can be used by women of any age at any stage of their lives, by women with breast implants, and by breastfeeding women.
I'm not anti-mammography "screening" nor do I refuse all mammography (I'm just using it less often as a routine screening tool as long as my scheduled thermography images are not indicating worrisome changes). Mammography is, of course, necessary for diagnosis if/when an actual lump or tumor is detected or if thermography reveals risky vascularity increases in the breasts or evidence of an unusually high vascular area of the breast.
Certified high resolution thermography is an excellent screening tool all women and men can safely trust to monitor their breast health. I trust Pink Image with my thermography imaging.
Women (and occasionally men) at high risk of breast cancer (due to family history, BRCA genes, prior breast cancer history, etc.) should consider using certified breast thermography yearly or even several times a year to monitor breast health and screen for changes in the breast tissue and vascularity (screen more often for high risk or image changes over time).
When I say certified breast thermography, I mean high resolution, black & white thermography cameras that reveal vascularization patterns in the breasts, NOT the low resolution color thermography cameras that merely image surface temperature differences.
Naturally, I choose Pink Image for thermography because of the high quality of the cameras they use, the training of their image readers, and their vast experience in the thermography field. I've lost count how many years I have been going to Pink Image for thermography. Wendy Sellens, the PInk Image founder and owner, was trained by the medical doctor who pioneered the use of high resolution thermography cameras to monitor breast health.
I discovered thermography after my gynecologist noted certain areas of concern in my breasts during office visit exams. Two years in a row I was sent for diagnostic level mammograms (higher radiation exposure) and ultrasounds, yet each time mammography and U/S could not detect anything unusual, because there was no tumor (yet). I have dense breast tissue, which mammagraphy does not distinguish well from cancerous tissue.
However, high resolution thermography did reveal increased vascularity in the same areas of concern noted by my doctor during annual office exams. Increased frequency of thermographic imaging was recommended to monitor for further changes.
The following two years I scheduled my routine annual screening mammography to be performed in the afternoon the same day as thermography, after the thermography screening was performed in the morning - to be a scientific as possible (my husband is a research scientist) I wanted the condition in my breast tissue to be as similar as possible for each screening method. Further changes have not been detected with thermography, so I have scaled back my mammography screening frequency to about every 4-5 years to avoid reduce my exposure to radiation, while continuing with annual thermography monitoring.
Other than the cold room necessary for the thermography imaging (the skin needs to be very cool) and the need to hold the arms up high for a few minutes to cool the skin before and while the images are taken, there is no physical contact with technician or machinery at all (or painful breast compression as with mammograms). Thermography is 100% radiation-free, unlike mammography.
Unlike mammography, thermography can be used by women of any age at any stage of their lives, by women with breast implants, and by breastfeeding women.
I'm not anti-mammography "screening" nor do I refuse all mammography (I'm just using it less often as a routine screening tool as long as my scheduled thermography images are not indicating worrisome changes). Mammography is, of course, necessary for diagnosis if/when an actual lump or tumor is detected or if thermography reveals risky vascularity increases in the breasts or evidence of an unusually high vascular area of the breast.
Certified high resolution thermography is an excellent screening tool all women and men can safely trust to monitor their breast health. I trust Pink Image with my thermography imaging.
Discovering Dr. Wendy Sellens on youtube and then purchasing this book are two of the most valuable finds in my adult life, in the search for clarity and direction about how to achieve breast health, and to gain peace of mind. Dr. Wendy clearly explains 50 years of Thermography research, facts and truth as originally brought forth by Dr. William B. Hobbins, a pioneer in Breast Thermography.
She expresses the truth in a concise and thorough manner, with the purpose of helping women emerge from the estrogen overload quagmire that we find ourselves in through consuming processed foods, supplements, estrogen-laced cosmetics, bath and body products, and even the water we drink. Our foods and environment are saturated with estrogens, synthetic and 'natural'.
The book is filled with images of breast thermography results, which clearly show the connection between estrogen overload and increased vascularity in the breast. Dr. Wendy teaches us about hormonal balance. She writes about natural progesterone, how to use it properly, and the best sources to assure it does not contain any phytoestrogens.
It is very disconcerting that 'famous' natural doctors, nutritionists, and so-called holistic health experts have continued to promote soy and flax as health foods, and specifically for breast health! They claim phytoestrogens are weaker estrogens, which block the estrogens that can cause breast cancer. Thermography results as illustrated in this book show that the increase in vascularity in the breast is the same whether natural or synthetic estrogens are used.
In chapter 12 there is a section 'Become Estrogen Free'. Included in this section are lists of Phytoestrogens to avoid, and ones to limit. As I evaluated the foods and products I regularly consumed, I was literally shocked to discover how pervasive these phytoestrogens are in supplements, processed foods, bath and body products (even those that claim to be organic!).
I was also alarmed to realize the eggs advertised as containing omega-3 could be estrogenic, even those that are advertised as 'pastured' or 'free-range', because many farmers give their chickens supplemental feed containing flax and soy. Thankfully, I found a local farmer who does not feed her chickens either one.
The valuable information in this book presented logically and with clarity is a wonderful gift, and one that gives me solid direction with great hope that I can achieve breast health and lower my risk for cancer. My only regret is that I did not find this information years ago.
I will continue to follow the work of Dr. Wendy Sellens, and recommend this book very highly to every woman.
I had my first thermography done in San Diego. It was confusing with the "results" they gave me. I did some research before having another one done, and came across Pink Image. Reading the other reviews greatly impressed me.
I am 67 turning 68 in a week, and I WISH I had known about the information Dr. Wendy Sellens shared with me now back when I was having 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off of flooding periods as I neared menopause! Her natural recommendations would have cleared all of that up I am sure!
After the thermography test this time, Dr. Sellens took the time to tell me how to create better breast health. I got the progesterone cream she recommended, and applied it to the breasts as she recommended and WOW!!! what a difference!!! I feel calm, more energy, like someone I used to like and know-ME AGAIN!!! There are a lot of progesterone creams out there-you want to use only what she says to use-one with NO Estrogen or phyto estrogens that will only make your problem WORSE.
To feel like I do now (and I have only used the cream for about 7 days) was worth the cost of the thermography 10 times over, because what price health?! We have been on a fixed income since 1998 as my husband had a PTSD breakdown from combat and no longer could work. I had tried a progesterone cream years ago that had wild yam (a phytoesterogen!) added to it, and I felt weepy, sad, bloated, and weak. It actually made me feel worse!
The fact is ladies, we are all ESTROGEN DOMINATE WHEN IN PERI AND ACTUAL MENOPAUSE AND WE DON'T NEED ANYMORE ESTROGEN AS THAT IS THE PROBLEM!!! I was using "healthy" things like flax, and soy that were ruining my health. The soy ruined my thyroid! Flax just feeds estrogen, along with some other things that turned out not to be healthy either.
The fact is, what Dr. Wendy recommended WORKS and she doesn't sell it, she just tells you what it is and you buy it at Sprouts, Amazon or even online from Walmart! THANK YOU DR. WENDY I FEEL LIKE A NEW WOMAN!!!
I just placed my order for Dr Wendy Sellens 2nd edition book "Breast Thermography Revolution." I am a nutritionist and clinical thermographer in Wisconsin and learned so much from her first book "Breast Cancer Boot Camp." I still use it as a reference in my practice. I wrote a review for Wendy's first book which is below. When I receive her next book and finish reading it, I will review that one also. As I personally know Dr Wendy, I am confident that it will be well-researched, informative, and filled with high quality images to support her research. Please see below for first review:
This is hands-down the BEST book I've read on breast thermography. Every woman and every thermographer needs a copy! Themography is such a great adjunctive tool to evaluate overall breast health risk, but it needs to be done properly within certified clinics by certified technicians, taking the images in both gray scale and colored images with a high quality, cleared camera and then read by experienced, certified interpreting doctors.
This book is beautifully illustrated with before/after images which clearly shows some of the physiological responses in the breast caused by various forms of estrogen especially from phytoestrogens, xenoestrogens, birth control,HRT, certain herbs and supplements. As a thermographer and nutritionist, I have personally seen the effects of these excess hormones on the breast and the health that can be regained by eliminating them. Wendy Sellens images of before/after flax seed use were of particular interest to me. Flax seed is extremely high in phytoestrogens, even higher than soy! At one point I had added 2 TBL of flax into my diet and within 4 weeks I experienced extremely tender breasts, hot flashes, and even skipped a period. After removing flax, within a few weeks the symptoms subsided. Hormones do affect our breasts!
Having breast cancer in my family history, this book brings incredible hope. One study on PubMed tells us that only 5-10% of cancer has a genetic link. The remaining 90-95% has its roots in environmental and dietary habits. This tells me that although we may not have 100% control, there is much we can do to prevent chronic diseases such as breast cancer. By utilizing all the tools available, including thermography, we can screen the breasts for changes. Then by changing lifestyle and nutritional habits, we can have a positive affect on our health.
I emailed Wendy Sellens to personally thank her for writing this book with Dr William Hobbins. Within a day she responded and we set up a phone consultation. Her passion for women's health is amazing and her pursuit for thermographic excellence is extremely important. Breast Cancer Boot Camp is a must read. Wendy is definitely a soldier for breast health!
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